Progress WhatsUp Gold VoIP Monitoring
Continuously Assess and Monitor Acceptable Performance Levels for VoIP Call Quality
Our Price: $1,130.00
Our Price: $1,445.00
Our Price: $1,760.00
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Measure Network Performance for VoIP Accurately
Continuously assess and monitor acceptable performance levels for VoIP (Voice over IP) call quality with an easy-to-use plug-in that collects data and reports on the quality of service (QoS) levels of your network. Access information generated by Cisco IP SLA-enabled devices to monitor performance parameters such as jitter, latency, and packet loss, and display MOS (Mean Opinion Score) and CPIF (Capacity Planning Impairment Factor).
WhatsUp Gold leverages the data produced by IP SLA measurements, along with active SNMP monitors, giving you the ability to measure VoIP-specific network metrics on local networks and WAN links. Using the SNMP data, WhatsUp Gold generates graphs and reports jitter, latency, and packet loss that may be occurring in the network. By combining the information from the measurements with codec simulation data generated by IP SLA, WhatsUp Gold VoIP Monitor can also graph MOS and ICPIF voice quality scoring for VoIP in a live network.
A configuration wizard minimizes the setup and configuration time required to identify IP SLA sources and destinations. WhatsUp Gold provides network managers with additional VoIP specific data to supplement existing performance metrics for bandwidth and interface utilization.
Six performance monitors measure jitter, latency, and packet loss from both source to destination and from destination to source. Two additional performance monitors provide MOS and ICPIF scoring information.
WhatsUp Gold VoIP Monitor Configuration Wizard
WhatsUp Gold's configuration utility scans the WhatsUp Gold database for SNMP devices with credentials. After the required devices are identified, an IP SLA source device can be selected as the source for VoIP Round-Trip Time (RTT) data. The utility then steps through the setup for VoIP performance monitors, workspace views, and active monitors for the selected IP SLA devices. A configurable active monitor for MOS that can trigger an alert if network degradation causes the value to go below the configured MOS threshold.
Pricing Notes:
- Pricing and product availability subject to change without notice.
Our Price: $1,130.00
Our Price: $1,445.00
Our Price: $1,760.00
Our Price: $320.00
Our Price: $635.00
Our Price: $950.00