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WhatsUp Gold AlertFox End-User Monitor

Real-Time Web Uptime and Performance Monitoring


Progress Products
AlertFox End User Monitoring, New Customers
AlertFox End User Monitoring PRO1 New Account, 1 Year
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AlertFox End User Monitoring PRO1 New Account - 1 Month Subscription
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AlertFox End User Monitoring PRO1 Subscription Renewal - 1 Year Subscription
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AlertFox End User Monitoring PRO1 Upgrade to PRO2 - 1 Year Subscription
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AlertFox End User Monitoring PRO1 Upgrade to PRO3 - 1 Year Subscription
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More pricing below, click here!

Progress WhatsUpGoldOverview:

What can you do with AlertFox?


Monitor your website or web application

AlertFox monitors the uptime and performance of your website, not just letting you know that it's available but also informing you if delays exist in different customer interaction points such as an e-commerce checkout, portal login, or rich internet app errors.

With global monitoring points in the United States, Europe, and Asia, AlertFox makes it easy for you to ensure a quality customer experience.


In-depth Monitoring

AlertFox can monitor your complex transactions from end-to-end, letting you know what's working as planned, and what's causing a delay.

This kind of detailed information makes it easy for you to find and troubleshoot web problems as well as ensure a quality experience for your website visitors.


See what your customers see

With real browser monitoring, AlertFox makes it easy for you track and monitor your website experience from your customer's point of view.

You know immediately when there's a problem that negatively effects your customer's experience. This type of detailed information makes it easy for your team to find and fix browser related problems.


Real-time alerts & notifications

You know first. The moment a transaction outage or slowdown occurs, AlertFox sends email or SMS notifications to your designated team members.

You can even prioritize and monitor what's important first, configuring custom alerts for each transaction, and setting custom escalation rules if a problem persists.

Home page screenshot

In-depth performance reporting

Real-time, intuitive reports make it easy to see how simple and complex web transactions are performing

When a delay occurs, AlertFox shows you see exactly what step in the transaction is causing the delay, providing your team with the information they need to more readily find and fix the problem.


Root cause analysis

Detailed reports, including AlertFox's waterfall diagram show you when something is missing or what's potentially the root cause of a delay.

With this detailed information, your team can act quickly - fixing the problem at hand or establishing a workaround that ensures a quality customer experience.

Pricing Notes:

Progress Products
AlertFox End User Monitoring, New Customers
AlertFox End User Monitoring PRO1 New Account, 1 Year
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AlertFox End User Monitoring PRO1 New Account - 1 Month Subscription
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AlertFox End User Monitoring PRO1 Subscription Renewal - 1 Year Subscription
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AlertFox End User Monitoring PRO1 Upgrade to PRO2 - 1 Year Subscription
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AlertFox End User Monitoring PRO1 Upgrade to PRO3 - 1 Year Subscription
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Progress AlertFox End User Monitoring PRO2
AlertFox End User Monitoring PRO2 New Account, 1 Year
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AlertFox End User Monitoring PRO2 New Account - 1 Month Subscription
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AlertFox End User Monitoring PRO2 Subscription Renewal - 1 Year Subscription
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AlertFox End User Monitoring PRO2 Upgrade to PRO3 - 1 Year Subscription
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Progress AlertFox End User Monitoring PRO3
AlertFox End User Monitoring PRO3 New Account - 1 Year Subscription
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AlertFox End User Monitoring PRO3 New Account - 1 Month Subscription
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AlertFox End User Monitoring PRO3 Transaction Test Add-on - 1 Month Subscription
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AlertFox End User Monitoring PRO3 Transaction Test Add-on - 2 Month Subscription
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AlertFox End User Monitoring PRO3 Transaction Test Add-on - 3 Month Subscription
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AlertFox End User Monitoring PRO3 Transaction Test Add-on - 4 Month Subscription
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AlertFox End User Monitoring PRO3 Transaction Test Add-on - 5 Month Subscription
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AlertFox End User Monitoring PRO3 Transaction Test Add-on - 6 Month Subscription
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AlertFox End User Monitoring PRO3 Transaction Test Add-on - 7 Month Subscription
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AlertFox End User Monitoring PRO3 Transaction Test Add-on - 8 Month Subscription
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AlertFox End User Monitoring PRO3 Transaction Test Add-on - 9 Month Subscription
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AlertFox End User Monitoring PRO3 Transaction Test Add-on - 10 Month Subscription
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AlertFox End User Monitoring PRO3 Transaction Test Add-on - 11 Month Subscription
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AlertFox End User Monitoring PRO3 Transaction Test Add-on - 1 Year Subscription
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Progress AlertFox SMS Alert Notification
AlertFox SMS Alert Notification - 200 SMS Credits
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AlertFox SMS Alert Notification - 1000 SMS Credits
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