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Progress IMail
Messaging Solutions for small to medium businesses

IMail Features & Integrations

Messaging is the most vital aspect of many small to mid-sized businesses. IMail has the built-in functionality that your business needs to succeed.

IMail Server

IMail Server

IMail Server provides our customers the most advanced messaging solutions they need without the high costs of other enterprise-class servers. The edge anti-spam filter provided by CYREN protects businesses and improves efficiency by reducing downtime spent dealing with spam.

IMail Server Premium

IMail Server Premium

IMail Server provides our customers the most advanced messaging solutions they need without the high costs of other enterprise-class servers. The edge anti-spam filter provided by CYREN protects businesses and improves efficiency by reducing downtime spent dealing with spam.

Hosted IMail Server

Hosted IMail Server

Secure. Professional. Intuitive. Progress Hosted Email is a no-hassle, reliable alternative to expensive on-premise mail servers. Everything you need is included in one feature-filled hosted email service.

IMail Secure Server

IMail Secure Server

IMail Secure Server removes the sometimes unnecessary features of collaboration and instant messaging so that it can focus solely on email security through industry leading anti-spam and anti-virus technologies.

Instant Messaging

Instant Messaging

Our secure Instant Messaging lets your team communicate instantaneously, even if they are spread across the globe.