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WhatsUp Gold Flow Monitor

Visibility into Network Traffic and Bandwidth Usage


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Progress WhatsUpGoldOverview:

WhatsUp Gold Flow Monitor is a fully integrated WhatsUp Gold plug-in that simplifies network and bandwidth management, improves visibility into network traffic and bandwidth usage, and optimizes performance. It delivers detailed and actionable data on network traffic and bandwidth consumption, which helps you establish and enforce bandwidth usage policies, control ISP costs, secure the network, and provide the network capacity required by users, applications, and the business.

WhatsUp Gold Flow Monitor not only highlights the overall utilization of the LAN, WAN, and the internet, but also indicates which users, applications, and protocols are consuming bandwidth.

Visibility into Network Traffic and Bandwidth Usage

  • Collects flow records using Cisco NetFlow, NetFlow-Lite and NSEL, Juniper J-Flow, sFlow and IPFIX protocols for extensive multi-vendor networks.
  • Delivers detailed and actionable data on network traffic and bandwidth consumption.
  • Monitors, alerts, and reports on interface traffic and bandwidth utilization, and sources and destinations of network traffic.
  • Generates top application reports using Cisco's NBAR classification, and CBQoS reports on class-based policies.
  • New First and only native support of Cisco's NetFlow-Lite – eliminates need for added complexity of 3rd party aggregator tools

Monitor network traffic and bandwidth utilization

WhatsUp Gold Flow Monitor collects flow records using Cisco NetFlow, NetFlow-Lite and NSEL, Juniper J-Flow, sFlow, and IPFIX protocols for extensive multi-vendor networks. Optimize network performance. Isolate network traffic anomalies and bottlenecks. And establish and enforce bandwidth usage policies.

WhatsUp Gold Flow Monitor monitors, alerts, and reports on interface traffic and bandwidth utilization. It provides detailed and actionable data on the top senders, receivers, conversations, applications, and protocols consuming network bandwidth.


ISP Costs

Control ISP costs

Identify the applications consuming expensive ISP bandwidth. WhatsUp Gold Flow Monitor reports on the bandwidth consumed by your business applications versus non-business applications (i.e. YouTube, Spotify, and League of Legends). Drill down and identify the users of non-business applications. Don't spend more on your ISP than you have to spend.

Detect users consuming excessive bandwidth

Monitor bandwidth utilization by user. Determine if bandwidth usage policies are necessary. Use WhatsUp Gold Flow Monitor drill-down data to set appropriate thresholds to alert you when users are exceeding their bandwidth usage policies.

Excessive bandwidths

Monitor Cisco NBAR and CBQoS

Analyze NBAR Top Application Reports that display network traffic resulting from applications identified using Cisco's NBAR classification engine. Receive reports on the effectiveness of Cisco CBQoS class-based policies.

Security risks

Detect potential security risks

Use WhatsUp Gold Flow Monitor to track network traffic by protocol. Get alerts when UDP traffic spikes, indicating a potential DoS (Denial of Service) attack. Identify large file transfers from sensitive data assets using Peer-to-Peer protocols.

Create a unified view of your IT infrastructure

WhatsUp Gold Flow Monitor provides dozens of out-of-the-box reports that can be customized in the WhatsUp Gold dashboard. Create unified views on application, server, and network performance. Include performance views on the VMware infrastructure, and add detailed data on your network traffic — all in a single view.

System Requirements:

WhatsUp Gold Flow Monitor has the same base system requirements as WhatsUp Gold. In addition, WhatsUp Gold Flow Monitor requires:

  • WhatsUp Gold Standard Edition, Premium Edition, MSP Edition, or Distributed Edition
  • One or both of the following:
    1. At least one routing device that supports NetFlow versions 1, 5, 7, and 9, NetFlow-Lite, sFlow versions 2 and 5, J-flow (sampled NetFlow) or IP Flow Information Export (IPFIX).
    2. A Flow Publisher monitoring a flow source.

Pricing Notes: